Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition

RESIDENT EVIL 4 -ULTIMATE HD EDITION- RELOADEDWhat's better than a long hiatus? Yep, sharing the old legendary RE Game that change the whole RE Franchise! Enjoy the Ultimate HD Edition!Download : Total Size : 12GB | Host : BillionUploads/SockShare/Multiupload/etc | Pass : eagle3zioSockshare...

Senin, 03 Februari 2014

Kickbeat Steam Edition

KICKBEAT STEAM EDITION - RELOADEDFrom indie pioneers Zen Studios (makers of Pinball FX2 and CastleStorm) comes KickBeat, an innovative rhythm game with a Kung Fu theme, featuring fully 3D characters and high-energy music! You can use your own music to create custom KickBeat tracks,...

Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Octodad Dadliest Catch

OCTODAD DADLIEST CATCH - CODEXThen again, sorry for late share, CODEX Released Octodad Dadliest Catch! Features :Octodad’s wacky physics create hilarious moments that are different every time. Be surprised by the randomness of Octodad’s flailing or express your own sense of...