Selasa, 29 April 2014

The Amazing Spiderman 2

THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN 2 - Reloaded & BlackBoxThe Amazing Spider-Man 2 takes place outside the events of the 2nd film in a unique story where Spider-Man discovers a larger threat to NYC that has turned the underworld upside down. Villains from the film and classic Marvel characters...

Jumat, 25 April 2014

Dark Souls II

DARK SOULS II - RELOADEDBlackbox & RELOADED Version available!  * Go Beyond Death: dare yourself to engage against intense gameplay in a vast  world powered by an all new engine that leaps graphics, sound & FX forward  like never before  * A labyrinth...

Senin, 21 April 2014

Men Of War Red Tide

MEN OF WAR RED TIDE - MULTI 6 -ADDONiAFill up your life with this old-RTS Game, and in case you guys wanted to complain on the graphics, this was the graphic back then in 2009. it's already considered good as an RTS (apart from AOE/Empire Earth)Download :Total Size : 5GB | Host :...

Jumat, 18 April 2014

Call Of Juarez Collection

Call Of Juarez : Collection (2006-2013) - R.G MechanicsCall Of Juarez Franchise Collection! Ignore other Call Of Juarez posts because all Call Of Juarez Games Links will be here! Single Links and Repacked by R.G Mechanics!Download :Call Of Juarez/Bound In Blood/Gunslinger/The Cartel!...

Sabtu, 12 April 2014


DayZ Standalone - Multiplayer SeregA - LusHaven't actually tested the multiplayer servers but.. IT IS Confirmed that the LAN is Tested!Download :Total Size : 4.4GB | RAR Pass : | Host : FD/Upafile | Servers are only from Russia!FileDrive :Part 1 - Part...

Senin, 07 April 2014

Battlefield Bad Company 2

BATTLEFIELD BAD COMPANY 2 - MP+SP - AGB RepackAGB Released the repack version of Battlefield Bad Company 2!Multiplayer are also available to download! (Please note that I haven't test the multiplayer)Download :Total Size : 2.85GB | Multiplayer available! Repacked by AGB Golden Team!...

Minggu, 06 April 2014

7 Days To Die Alpha

7 DAYS TO DIE ALPHA - 7.8 + MP - 3DM7 Days To Die Alpha Version 7.8 Cracked by 3DM! Multiplayer available!500MB Only..Download : Total Size : 553MB | Host : 1F/FD/BU/180Upload | RAR Pass : | MP Patch available!Filedrive (Best Speed!) :

Sabtu, 05 April 2014

Halo Spartan Assault

HALO SPARTAN ASSAULT-CODEXsince Reloaded haven't released Halo Spartan Assault, i'll post CODEX Version!Download :Total Size : 1.5GB | Host : FD/BU/1F | RAR Password : | CODEX Ver.FileDrive (Best Speed!) :Part 1 - Part 2BillionUploads :Part 1 - Part...

Selasa, 01 April 2014

Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate

Batman Arkham Origins : Blackgate - RELOADEDPlease note that this is a Stand-Alone Game! You DON'T Have to download Batman Arkham Origins!A Side-Scrolling Batman game? Why not? 2GB Only!Group RELOADED has released pc game “Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate Deluxe Edition” soon after...